The symptoms of rice blast include lesions that can be found on all parts of the plant, including leaves, leaf collars, necks, panicles, pedicels, and seeds. A recent report shows that even roots can become infected.

Weather Conditions Suitable for This Disease When
- Day and Nigh Temperature difference more than 6 Degree Centigrade
- Moisture level in air more than 65% (Humidity Level)
- Sunny days.
Therefore, Coming days after rains are very much favorable for this disease.
For Rice Blast best is preventive spray of Rustam products “RECADO SUPER“ OR “DIFENOCONAZOLE“ repeat every 7-8 days to avoid this disease. Dose as per label attached on bottle/Packs.
On appearance of this disease same spray programe should be repeat the dose rate could be increased as per the disease intensity.